Mercy Minsitry

Ministry, with heart!

"You must have a real desire for the good of the people if you are to have much influence over them. Why, even dogs and cats love the people who love them, and human beings are much the same as these . . .

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The Beautiful Sound of a Diverse Song

"God's ultimate goal in creation and redemption is to uphold and display his glory for the enjoyment of his redeemed people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. This is the main thing…

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On Helping without Being a Fool

Helping people is complicated.It is always complicated, and becomes only increasingly so, when you are attempting to cross cultures. Now obviously there is a big difference between complicated and impossible…

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Mercy Ministry Leads to a Teaching Ministry

If the highest happiness a person can experience consists of seeing God's excellency and enjoying His love, then the greatest good you could ever do for anyone else is to attempt to help them know and enjoy that for themselves…

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Don't let us be so inhuman...

There are some who are concerned that the church is losing its way in missions.Specifically, they see many people who are engaged in mercy ministries and excited about these kinds of opportunities and less passionate and serious about things like, church planting and evangelism…

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Don't Stop Preaching! Don't Stop Caring!

Duane Elmer recalls asking national pastors what missionaries could do to minister more effectively the gospel of Christ in their culture. He writes, "I was not sure what I was expecting. But the answers did surprise me…

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Jonathan Edwards and Doing Good

Jonathan Edwards helped us move to Africa. It sounds funny to say that, given that he lived and died so many years ago now. But, I was doing a lot of thinking at the time about Christians and the financially poor…

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On Leadership and Mercy Ministry

Should church leadership work on developing structures for believers to engage in mercy ministry? Or should church leadership allow this to develop naturally and on an individual basis within the church…

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The answer to Russia's orphan crisis

I like this quote from Russell Moore speaking on the answer to Russia's orphan crisis. (We feel a similar burden for South Africa and this is part of why we are so excited about the Together for Adoption conference that is coming up in March….

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It is good to do right

"It is nice what you are doing, but you need to be wise."Have you heard that before? Maybe even you have said it yourself.Sometimes when someone begins thinking about putting themselves out for the good of others…

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More than you might think...

We are really looking forward to hosting a Together for Adoption conference here in South Africa.Sometimes though when we talk about this conference people seem to think it is only for people who are about to adopt or who are in a place where they are able to adopt…

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On knowing and "mercy ministry"

One of the great obstacles to being of real help to others is our failure to know and understand the people we are seeking to help. I have often wondered in counseling whether I am counseling the real person in front of me or a pretend person they are presenting to me…

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On Pursuing Self through Giving to Others

It is very common to pursue self through engaging in charity.Giving to those you consider in greater need than yourself can do a lot of things for yourself. It can temporarily relieve a sense of guilt you feel about how good you have it and allow you to enjoy more material pleasures less self-consciously…

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