On Contentment
Commonly Believed Myths about Becoming Content part 1:1. You can only be content if you are not discontent.The truth is you are not content if you are not discontent. The difference between the person who is content and the person who is discontent is in what they are discontent about. The truly contented man is discontent with the kinds of things that most people think would make them content. There is only one thing that will satisfy the contented man and that is eternal communion with God Himself. Until that day, he is able to enjoy what he has and where he is at because he sees what he has and where he is at for what it really is.2. The way to become content is by getting out of whatever difficult situation you find yourself in.Jeremiah Burroughs once said that while the world thinks one becomes content by removing their burdens, Christians understand that we actually become content by adding to our burden. What he meant was that one of the reasons we become discontent with our circumstances is because we are not seeing, believing, and feeling what the Bible says we actually deserve. We deserve hell and every day that we wake up and we are not in hell, we should be dancing.