Thinking about Contentment...
“You never learned the mystery of contentment unless it be said of you that, just as you are the most contented man, so you are also the most unsatisfied man in the world.”“A man who has learned the art of contentment is the most contented with any low condition that he has in the world, and yet he cannot be satisfied with the enjoyment of all the world.”“Though he is contented with God in a little, yet those things that would content other men will not content him.”“A little in the world will content a Christian for his passage, but all the world, and ten thousand times more, will not content a Christian for his portion. A carnal heart will be content with these things of the world for his portion, and that is the difference between a carnal heart and a gracious heart.”“Though a gracious heart knows that it is capable of God, and was made for God, carnal hearts think without reference to God. But a gracious heart being enlarged to be capable of God and enjoying somewhat of him, can be filled by nothing in the world, it must only be God himself. Therefore you will observe that whatever God may give to a gracious heart, a heart that is godly, unless he gives himself it will not do.” Jeremiah Burroughs, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment