1 Peter 1:17 Outline and Thought Questions
1 Peter 1:17ff
Theology Makes a Difference Part Three
1. What we believe should make a difference on the way we look to the future.
v.13 “Be hopeful”
2. What we believe should make a difference on the way we live in the present.
v.14-16 “Be holy”
In verse 17 and following we will see:
3. It should make a difference on the way we feel about God, holiness and sin.
v.17 “Be fearful”
Specifically this message is intended to answer the question:
How do I fight against developing a casual attitude towards holy living?
We find two directions in our text. .
* If you are going to fight against a casual attitude towards holy living, you need to take seriously the fact that your Father is the Judge.
* If you are going to fight against a casual attitude towards holy living, you need to meditate deeply on the cost of your salvation.
Thought Questions
1. What do you think a casual attitude towards God and holiness and sin look like? What are some of the characteristics of a person who is casual about these things? Are there any specific ways you struggle with a casual attitude towards God?
2. What is the main command in these verses? What does it mean? How would you define this command in your own words?
3. How do the following passages help us understand the concept of fearing God?
Leviticus 25:17
Deut. 10:12
Joshua 24:14
Psalm 2:11
Isaiah 8:13
Psalm 34:11-14
Hebrews 12:28-29
4. Do you experience the fear of God as it has been described?
Would you say you dread displeasing God? On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate your passion for holiness?
5. What is the first way Peter seeks to motivate us to obey this command? Explain what Peter says in your own words. What does he mean?
6. How will you be different this week as a result of this passage?