Pastoral Ministry

Highlighted series:

On worldliness, part 1

Are you worldly? That’s an important question.After all, listen to James 1:27." This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and keep oneself unstained by the world." Worldliness is a problem because the world wants to stain you…

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On evil speaking, part 3

Yesterday we looked at what it means to speak against others.Today, why.Why do we speak evil against others? We speak against others because we think we know better than God's law…

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On evil speaking, part 2

What does it mean to speak evil against someone?Let me get specific.We speak against others when we speak words that are intended to hurt not to help. When you speak against someone your words are like soldiers that you send out to do war…

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On speaking evil...

“Do not speak evil against one another brothers...” James 4:11Every week, every one of us experiences all sorts of different problems. Our car breaks down, a friendship crumbles, we lose our job…

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