Sweet, Sweet Words
"'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.' This truth is a very surprising thing - a thing to be marveled at most of all by those who enjoy it. I know that it is to me, even to this day, the greatest wonder that I have ever heard of - that God would justify me. I feel myself to be a lump of unworthiness, a mass of corruption, and a heap of sin apart from His almighty love. I know am fully assured that I am justified by faith which is in Christ Jesus. I am treated as if I had been perfectly just and made an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. And yet by nature I must take my place among the most sinful. Though altogether undeserving, I am treated as if I had been deserving. I am loved with as much love as if I had always been godlly, whereas before I was ungodly. Who can help being astonished at this demonstration of grace? Gratitude for such favor stands dressed in robes of wonder." Charles Spurgeon, All of Grace