Where little thoughts of God lead...
"In objecting and quarreling about the righteousness of God’s laws and threatenings, and his sovereign dispensations towards you and others, you oppose the divinity of God, you ungod him, you deny him to be God, you show that you are ignorant of his divine greatness and excellency, and that you cannot bear that he should have divine honour. It is from low, mean thoughts of God, that you do in your minds oppose the sovereignty of God. It is from low thoughts of God that you dare thus oppose the sovereign dominion of God over his creatures, and that you are not sensible how dangerous this your conduct is. It is because you have little thoughts of God, that you are not sensible what an audacious thing it is for such a creature as man to strive with his Maker.It is from little thoughts of God that you think yourselves big enough to judge and condemn God. It is from low thoughts of God and high thoughts of yourselves that you do so; for herein you ungod the Most High, and deify yourselves, set yourselves on a level with God, and in some respects above him, as if you were proper persons to examine and judge of the administrations of the Governor of the world. It is from little thoughts of God, that you have such high thoughts of yourselves. If you saw what God is, how high he is above all, you would see yourselves to be but poor worms, but a potsherd or broken piece of earthen vessel. You would see what horrid arrogance it is in you to contend with the Almighty; that you worms should rise up against God, objecting and finding fault with his ways, which are above your comprehension."Jonathan Edwards