“Simple Family Devotions”

Simple Family Devotions #1: God is Great

You are made to worship. Get your eyes off yourself today and onto God. Take a few minutes to think about who God is. Look up the following verses and write down one reason God is great from each…

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Simple Family Devotions #10: Forgiven!

Our sin is so much worse than we think it is. It not only creates problems in our lives and brings us shame, God hates it. That’s what makes sin so terrible. He is absolutely holy…

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Simple Family Devotions #11: Alive!

Becoming a Christian is so much more than just beginning to go to church and trying to be a nice person. It is a supernatural work of God. He gives a person a new heart…

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Simple Family Devotions #18: Holiness

Spending time with your family in God’s Word is life-transforming. Yet sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. I have created these simple family devotions to help…

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Simple Family Devotions #21: How to Get Hot

What do you do when you grow cold spiritually?If someone grows cold physically, we know exactly what they should do. They need to get themselves near something hot, like a fire, in order to heat themselves up…

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