
Highlighted series:

Joshua Mack Joshua Mack

Helping Your Children Learn to Listen: A Guide for Parents

One step to being a good parent is knowing what you're doing. It’s hard to do anything well if you have no idea what it is that you are supposed to do. When we talk about being a father or mother we're talking about more than just having babies, we're talking about parenting those babies. What does a parent do…

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Joshua Mack Joshua Mack

Developing good relationships with your kids

How can dads work on having a good relationship with their kids? Let’s start by understanding what we are talking about. How would you describe the ideal relationship between a father and his children? When we talk about a good relationship…

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Joshua Mack Joshua Mack

Do you know who your children are?

It’s hard to be a good parent if you don’t understand children. You need to be able to answer the question “what” if you are going to be to answer the question “how.” You know the Bible verses on parenting, but do you know kids? Before we think about what we are going to do with our children we need to make sure we know…

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Dads: A Devotional

We need to talk to our children about sexual purity. What can we learn from Paul? You need to talk with your children about sexual purity. While you obviously want to be wise and not give them too much information too young, you also don’t want to be foolish....

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Dads: Day Thirty Three

What can you do to help your children fight sexual temptation? Develop an atmosphere of thankfulness in your families. If you are going to send your children into battle…

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Dads: Day Thirty Two

How can you help your children think about sex biblically? It's not going to be easy. There is a lot of pressure to think unbiblically. And they are sinners. And so are you…

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Dads: Day Thirty One

How can we help our children think biblically about sex? It's challenging because there is so much pressure to think unbiblically. It's awkward because we are talking…

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Dads: Day Thirty

Fathers, we need to teach our children what God has to say about sex. But how? We've been looking at Paul and learning. There's more to teaching your children about sexual purity than teaching them about sexual purity…

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Dads: Day Twenty Nine

It’s difficult to teach your children what the Bible teaches about sexual purity if you yourself are not really serious about what the Bible teaches about sexual purity…

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Dads: Day Twenty Eight

There’s more to teaching your children about sexual purity than teaching your children about sexual purity. In fact, if you think the only thing involved teaching your children about sexual purity is a once off talk you are…

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Dads: Day Twenty Seven

I don’t really like to talk about sex. I have always tended to be a little shy about the subject. In some ways, I suppose that’s not really a bad thing…

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Dads: Day Twenty Six

Dads don't let your children grow up in this world without helping them learn how to deal with sexual temptation. If you read Proverbs 1 through 9 you see this is the main thing Solomon speaks to his son about…

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Dads: Day Twenty Five

You need to teach your children, what’s important in life. As your children are growing up, there are going to be lots of people telling them what they should make a priority out of, and honestly, it can be confusing…

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Dads: Day Twenty Four

A father is a teacher. But what do we need to teach our children? We are looking at the book of Proverbs and noting some of the essential principles we must teach our children…

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Dads: Day Twenty Three

If you are a father you are a teacher. But what do you need to teach your children? We need to teach our children how to pick good friends…

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Lower the Volume!

If you believe the gospel, it should impact your tone of voice in parenting. In Ephesians 4, Paul puts it like this, “Put off…clamor.” And the word clamor basically means yelling…

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Raising Courageous Children

Many parents within the church, especially conservative churches, know they have a responsibility to call their children to obey. One of their primary goals is to produce obedient children who love the Lord…

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No Excuses...

We are living in a culture that wants to excuse all sin. Knowing that, it shouldn’t surprise us that our culture goes to especially great lengths to excuse children’s sin. For almost every sinful behavior there is a ready-made excuse…

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Dads: Day Twenty Two

You need to teach your children to value wisdom. What I mean is you need to teach your children to use their minds and think and you need to teach them to want to work at using their minds to think in a wise ways about their life…

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Dads: Day Twenty One

God wants you as a father to get involved in the nitty gritty details of your children's lives and help them learn how to honor God in each and every area. That's a privilege! It's also a little overwhelming…

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